Nesh Reddy REALTOR®
"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away, from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."
These words as described by Mark Twain is a true description of how Nesh Reddy is perceived by those that know and work with him. He is an ambitious and versatile individual who is self-motivated and explores all avenues towards helping others accomplish their dreams.
Nesh Reddy, a successful real estate agent, was born in South Africa, Durban. Inspired by travel and the idea to make a difference in life, he relocated to North Carolina 19 years ago. Nesh is married with two sons. He, together with his wife serve the Johnston County Public Schools system’s community.
His commitment and dedication of providing a service to the community are at the forefront of all his initiatives. Nesh has a real estate background where he has designed, developed, sold, and delivered the property to his clients.
Nesh continues his lifelong passion for real estate, to support his client’s values and beliefs while striving to make their dreams come true. His many facets of the real estate industry have equipped him with the knowledge and tools towards providing a high degree of customer satisfaction while maintaining focus on his client's needs. Nesh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce from the University of South Africa and an Associates degree in Informational Technology, a list of computer and information technology certifications, and a Real Estate licence, together with a host of other accolades (including Leading with the Heart Award 2012 from Johnston County Public schools and nominated Employee of the month eight times for the school system).
His qualifications and accolades awarded throughout his career are indicative of his knowledge and interest to stay abreast of current trends and financial services so that he is able to provide sound and reliable information to his clients at all times.
Real estate is one of the biggest investments a person can make in a lifetime. Therefore, it needs the skill, care, and diligence a professional real estate agent, that of which Nesh Reddy can always provide.